How to get rid off blackheads, and avoid them coming back

men's face maskBlackheads, usually found on the cheeks, the chin and across the nose, are the result of your skin producing excess oil. We've enlisted the help of one of our resident grooming guru's to share his expertise and help you to treat this age old problem.

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men's face masksHow to get rid off blackheads, and avoid them coming back



Blackheads, usually found on the cheeks, the chin and across the nose, are the result of your skin producing excess oil (sebum). Sebum is your face's natural way of moisturising your skin, but unfortunately the glands go into overdrive a produce a little too much. The residue left behind after your skin has taken what it needs tends to settle into the pores, this then oxidises and turns black; producing 'blackheads.'



Now besides squeezing your face to within an inch of its life, there are ways to prevent balckheads forming and there are a couple of ways to remove the ones you already have.



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To free the blackheads which are already present



• Start by using some warm water and a face scrub to remove any dead skin. This will also help to gain access to the pores.



• Use a deep cleansing, warming face mask to open up the pores and unclog the dirt. Leave it on for 8-10 minutes to get the real effect. We recommend Kyoku for Men Lava Masque.



To avoid blackheads from forming -



• Use a pore minimising serum to keep the pores closed and prevent any sebum from settling. Kyoku for Men Pore Minimising Serum is a great solution for dilated pores.



• Keep your face moisturised to prevent it from producing sebum.



• Avoid moisturisers with oil in them. Opt for an oil-free facial lotion like this one: Anthony Logistics Oil-Free Facial Lotion.



• If you notice your skin beginning to 'shine' during the day, head to the bathroom and dab the face with some dry tissues, this will lift the oil from the face and remove the shine.



• Avoid picking away at your face. The bacteria from your face will aid the production of blackheads and breakouts.



Questions? The Grooming Clinic's resident male grooming experts are always on hand to help. Simply email us your questions and we'll answer them for you,