How To Use Your Face Wash Properly

How To Use Face Wash

How To Use Your Face Wash Properly

A step-by-step guide to using your face wash to the best of its ability.


A good face wash is the single most important element of any good male grooming regime. The fastest growing area of the grooming domain, men's facial cleansers are becoming increasingly popular and we're here to tell you why.


As our skincare products become more advanced there's a greater need and demand for enhanced performance and faster, visible results. If you see your face as a piece of timber (sounds far fetched, I know, but stick with it, it really does make sense!) that been weathered outside and now needs to be treated with wood treatment. Would you apply the wood treatment on over the top of the moss and debris without washing it off first? No you wouldn't. In order for the treatment to be able to penetrate into the wood you first need to clean the timber and prepare the platform for the treatment. The exact same protocol should be applied to your skincare regime. If you're using your grooming products on a dirty, oil-laden face then there not going to perform half as well as they should be, any what's more, your wasting your money.


Build a face wash into your daily routine and always apply your skincare products after cleansing. For convenience leave your face wash in the shower and make it the first you use when showering. I always prefer to apply my face wash onto my skin when it's wet, some people prefer to use it on dry skin but I find it spreads much easier (and works much better) with a bit of water to lube it up.


How To Use Your Face Wash


Wet the face with a bit of lukewarm water. Notice we are using lukewarm and not hot water. Hot water strips the skin of its natural moisture barrier, something we really don't want to mess around with.


Warm a pea-sized amount of your face wash between your hands then gently massage it onto the skin. Work the face wash into the skin using gentle circular motions ensure it covers the entire face.


Next, and one of the most important steps, leave it on the face for at least 60 seconds. Why? I hear you ask, well some of the more advanced, and better face washes come complete with some really good ingredients like Glycolic Acid which need a little time to work their magic. If you don't leave it on the skin for a minute or two, that very magic will go straight down the plug hole. Top tip: apply your face wash, then apply your shampoo. Leave both for 60 seconds then rinse.


Rinse the face thoroughly with cold water. Cold water helps to close the pores, tighten the skin and promotes lymphatic drainage beneath the surface level- exactly where our bodies store some of their toxins.


To dry, simply pat your towel on the face to absorb the water. Try not to rub the face with the towel as it will probably redden the skin, and let's face it (pardon the pun), who wants a red face?


Once the face is dry, follow with your skincare regime. Now that your face has had all of the grime removed it will 'receive' and untilise your skincare products and their ingredients much easier and certainly much better.


When Should You Use Your Face Wash?

Any skincare specialist will always recommend using your face wash twice daily - once in the morning and once before going to bed. If I'm really honest, I don't always wash my face before bed, I should but don't. If you can then it's best practice to clean the face morning and night, but if you're a commitment-phobe then once daily is fine.


The next big question is which face wash do I recommend. This is a question I'm asked repeatedly and the answer varies. Depending on the skin type you have depends which face wash is best for you. In short;


If you have oily or combination skin, I recommend [Anthony Glycolic Facial Cleanser]. It a non-foaming, creamy face wash that carries a dose of Glycolic Acid which lifts dead skin cells from the face and helps to control the level of oil on the surface of the skin.

Anthony Glycolic Facial Cleanser


If you have easy-to-manage skin, aka. Normal skin, then something which adds a bit of moisture whilst cleansing is always a good choice. Try [Triumph & Disaster Ritual Face Cleanser]. It's formulate with Tahitian oils which bind to dirt and pull if from the face whilst simultaneously adding a shot of hydration to the skin.

Triumph & Disaster Ritual Face Cleanser


If you have dry skin, choose your face wash very carefully. You definitely don't want to use anything foaming and cream-based cleansers will work best for you. Try [Germaine de Capuccini Aqua Clean Formula] or [Aromatherapy Associates Hydrating Renewing Rose Cleanser]. Don't be dissuaded by the semi-feminine packaging of the latter, it's packed with rose water and a cocktail of skin nourishing properties that work a treat on dry skin.

Aromatherapy Associates Hydrating Renewing Rose Cleanser


Face wash aficionado? Want to share your ideas with the community? Leave a comment below.

How To Use Face Wash

How To Use Your Face Wash Properly

A step-by-step guide to using your face wash to the best of its ability.


A good face wash is the single most important element of any good male grooming regime. The fastest growing area of the grooming domain, men's facial cleansers are becoming increasingly popular and we're here to tell you why.


As our skincare products become more advanced there's a greater need and demand for enhanced performance and faster, visible results. If you see your face as a piece of timber (sounds far fetched, I know, but stick with it, it really does make sense!) that been weathered outside and now needs to be treated with wood treatment. Would you apply the wood treatment on over the top of the moss and debris without washing it off first? No you wouldn't. In order for the treatment to be able to penetrate into the wood you first need to clean the timber and prepare the platform for the treatment. The exact same protocol should be applied to your skincare regime. If you're using your grooming products on a dirty, oil-laden face then there not going to perform half as well as they should be, any what's more, your wasting your money.


Build a face wash into your daily routine and always apply your skincare products after cleansing. For convenience leave your face wash in the shower and make it the first you use when showering. I always prefer to apply my face wash onto my skin when it's wet, some people prefer to use it on dry skin but I find it spreads much easier (and works much better) with a bit of water to lube it up.


How To Use Your Face Wash


Wet the face with a bit of lukewarm water. Notice we are using lukewarm and not hot water. Hot water strips the skin of its natural moisture barrier, something we really don't want to mess around with.


Warm a pea-sized amount of your face wash between your hands then gently massage it onto the skin. Work the face wash into the skin using gentle circular motions ensure it covers the entire face.


Next, and one of the most important steps, leave it on the face for at least 60 seconds. Why? I hear you ask, well some of the more advanced, and better face washes come complete with some really good ingredients like Glycolic Acid which need a little time to work their magic. If you don't leave it on the skin for a minute or two, that very magic will go straight down the plug hole. Top tip: apply your face wash, then apply your shampoo. Leave both for 60 seconds then rinse.


Rinse the face thoroughly with cold water. Cold water helps to close the pores, tighten the skin and promotes lymphatic drainage beneath the surface level- exactly where our bodies store some of their toxins.


To dry, simply pat your towel on the face to absorb the water. Try not to rub the face with the towel as it will probably redden the skin, and let's face it (pardon the pun), who wants a red face?


Once the face is dry, follow with your skincare regime. Now that your face has had all of the grime removed it will 'receive' and untilise your skincare products and their ingredients much easier and certainly much better.


When Should You Use Your Face Wash?

Any skincare specialist will always recommend using your face wash twice daily - once in the morning and once before going to bed. If I'm really honest, I don't always wash my face before bed, I should but don't. If you can then it's best practice to clean the face morning and night, but if you're a commitment-phobe then once daily is fine.


The next big question is which face wash do I recommend. This is a question I'm asked repeatedly and the answer varies. Depending on the skin type you have depends which face wash is best for you. In short;


If you have oily or combination skin, I recommend [Anthony Glycolic Facial Cleanser]. It a non-foaming, creamy face wash that carries a dose of Glycolic Acid which lifts dead skin cells from the face and helps to control the level of oil on the surface of the skin.

Anthony Glycolic Facial Cleanser


If you have easy-to-manage skin, aka. Normal skin, then something which adds a bit of moisture whilst cleansing is always a good choice. Try [Triumph & Disaster Ritual Face Cleanser]. It's formulate with Tahitian oils which bind to dirt and pull if from the face whilst simultaneously adding a shot of hydration to the skin.

Triumph & Disaster Ritual Face Cleanser


If you have dry skin, choose your face wash very carefully. You definitely don't want to use anything foaming and cream-based cleansers will work best for you. Try [Germaine de Capuccini Aqua Clean Formula] or [Aromatherapy Associates Hydrating Renewing Rose Cleanser]. Don't be dissuaded by the semi-feminine packaging of the latter, it's packed with rose water and a cocktail of skin nourishing properties that work a treat on dry skin.

Aromatherapy Associates Hydrating Renewing Rose Cleanser


Face wash aficionado? Want to share your ideas with the community? Leave a comment below.