anthony skincare for men

Top Picks: Anthony

Founded in 2000 by Anthony Sosnick, Anthony Skincare is still winging its way into shopping carts everyday, almost 20 years later. Here we pick the top 5 most popular Anthony products and give you the low-down on what makes them too hot to handle.

Founded in 2000 by Anthony Sosnick, Anthony Skincare is still winging its way into shopping carts everyday, almost 20 years later. The performance speaks for itself, with Glycolic Facial Cleanser responsible for keeping millions of men's mushes squeaky clean and Ingrown Hair Treatment keeping shaven faces free from shaving 'bother'. Almost occupying top-spot in the league of men's grooming, Anthony is here to stay, and grow.

Below, we pick the top 5 most popular Anthony products and give you the low-down on what makes them too hot to handle.

Glycolic Facial Cleanser

Put quite simply, it's just awesome. That's all we need to say, but allow us to elaborate. It's a non-foaming daily face wash that was originally developed especially for men's skin. It's so good, its un-official tag line is 'made for men, stolen by women', and quite rightly so, as everybody we chat with says their other half uses it just as much as they do. Glycolic Acid breaks down the glue which connect dead skin cells to the surface of the face. It's like a grain-free exfoliant. Glycolic Facial Cleanser is powered by 4.2% Glycolic Acid making it great for daily use, yet still touch enough on stubborn dead skin cells. Aloe Vera soothes the skin with every use and vitamins A, C and E feed the skin with nutrition and offer anti-oxidant properties.

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Day Cream SPF 30

Thought SPF was only for the beach? Think again. SPF (sun protection factor) should be used year-round, even in winter. It helps to protect the skin from the damage caused by UVA and UVB rays. Anthony Day Cream comes complete with SPF 30 to help to stop pigmentation, pre-mature ageing and cell damage.

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Ingrown Hair Treatment

Shaving irritation? Not any longer. Ingrown Hairs and razor rash step to one side, please. Anthony's Ingrown Hair Treatment doubles up as a post-shave astringent and an on-the-spot treatment for painful ingrown hairs. Ingrown Hairs are most commonly caused by dead skin cells trapping the hair under the skin and mis-guiding it to grow beneath the surface. Bacteria joins the club and causes a bit of irritation and often a breakout. Ingrown Hair Treatment features a cocktail of Glycolic Acid, Salicylic Acid and Phytic Acid to free dead skin and expose trapped hairs. Willowherb and Lavender soothe the skin to reduce irritation and prevent redness and razor rash. Anthony's Ingrown Hair Treatment is gel based so it sinks into the skin in a jiffy.

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Alcohol-Free Deodorant

Leave alcohol in the bar and aluminium with the metal merchants, Anthony's Alcohol-Free Deodorant is free-from both and packs a punch when it comes to keeping underarm odour at bay. This stick deo uses a blend of herbal and botanical extracts to destroy odour-causing bacteria, keeping your pits in perfect form and free of adverse aromas. Calendula soothes the skin and stops your underarms from drying out.

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After Shave Balm

A hydrating, cleansing and soothing miracle worker, Anthony's After Shave Balm brings your shaven face back to its former glory quicker than you can say TGC. Mint, Eucalyptus and Rosemary Oils offer instant relief and Allantoin helps to promote rapid recovery and offers the skin a post-shave shot of hydration.

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