The Real Shaving Company Age Defence Traditional Shave Cream | 125ml

The Real Shaving Company Age Defense Traditionelle Rasiercreme | 125ml

Angebotspreis€7,95 EUR
€0,06 /ml
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Age Defense Traditionelle Rasiercreme von Die echte Rasierfirma.

Die Age Defence Traditional Shave Cream von The Real Shaving Company unterstützt Sie bei Ihrem Wunsch nach einer reibungslosen, angenehmen Rasur und legt die perfekte Grundlage für die perfekte Rasur. Angereichert mit Kakaobutter und doppelt konzentriert für maximalen Schutz sorgt die Age Defence Traditional Shave Cream dafür, dass Ihre Haut gepflegt und genährt wird, um Reizungen und Austrocknung nach der Rasur vorzubeugen.

Eigenschaften der Age Defence Traditional Rasiercreme von The Real Shaving Company:

  • Kakaobutter für starken Schutz und unübertreffliches Gleiten.
  • Vitamin E zur Pflege und Geschmeidigkeit Ihrer Haut.
  • Anti-Aging-Erbsenpeptide helfen, die Erscheinung feiner Fältchen zu reduzieren.
  • Weidenrindenextrakt zur Linderung von Reizungen.

Die Age Defence Traditional Shave Cream von The Real Shaving Company ist für jeden Hauttyp geeignet und kann mit oder ohne Rasierpinsel verwendet werden.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 29 reviews
P.D. (Stotfold, United Kingdom)
Do you recommend this product?: Yes
Which age group do you fall into?: 69+
Best shaving cream

Best shaving cream I have found. Does the job effectively leaving skin feeling smooth and soft. God value for money.

A. (Evesham, United Kingdom)
Do you recommend this product?: Yes
Which age group do you fall into?: 69+
The Real Shaving Company - Age Defence Traditional Shaving Cream

This product is gentle on the skin,effective in producing a close shave,but best of all no sore skin. Easily a better product than other brands available. I am puzzled why this product is not in a major supermarket.The service from the grooming clinic has been 1st class, prompt delivery, well packaged,and an easy web site to navigate.

Do you recommend this product?: Yes
Which age group do you fall into?: 60-69
Best shaving cream on the market

Unfortunately, this product is hard to find in the shops, used to be sold by Waitrose and Boots, so track it down on the internet as it lasts for ages (about 12 months), which is good value but most importantly Real Shaving is the highest quality shaving cream imaginable. Closest & smoothest shave I've ever had.

R.K. (Bristol, United Kingdom)
Would you recommend this product?: Yes
Which age group do you fall into?: 69+
Shaving cream

I can only say that I prefer a wet shave and Real Shaving is the only cream or gel which gives me a truly great shave - smooth, with no stinging. A great experience.

J.W. (Preston, United Kingdom)
Do you recommend this product?: Yes
Which age group do you fall into?: 60-69
Excellent shaving cream

The only shaving cream that I use. Economical - it only takes a tiny amount to get a good lather - and gives a smooth shave every time. I use it on my face, my bald head and (as I'm a cyclist who hates hair juxtaposed with cycling shorts) even my legs. Truly excellent stuff.

D.C. (Leeds, United Kingdom)
Do you recommend this product?: Yes
Which age group do you fall into?: 60-69

I have been using this shaving cream for a number of years now, love the feel of my skin after using it, helps the razor glide smoothly across my face

Do you recommend this product?: Yes
Which age group do you fall into?: 69+

My husband loves this product. Has been using it for five years the best product on the market for shaving.!!!!!

D.L. (Plymouth, United Kingdom)
Do you recommend this product?: Yes
Which age group do you fall into?: 50-59
Real shaving cream

One of the best shaving creams I've ever used. Good lather, moisturises as well.

D.S. (Los Gatos, United States)
Do you recommend this product?: Yes
Which age group do you fall into?: 50-59
The Undisputed Best

Once upon a time (12 years ago), I was looking for a new shaving cream, and came upon The Real Shaving Co traditional shaving cream at my local pharmacy. I hadn't heard of it, but it was affordable so I gave it a try. It was thicker than expected, so I had to actually follow instructions to only use a small amount (the size of a dime). Given how creamy it is, I expected it to not rinse off easily, but I was wrong! While it is amazingly slippery and lets you run your razor over your face without replication, it rinses easily off, leaving your skin feeling super clean.

Fast forward a several years, and it was no longer available in my local store. Since everything paled in comparison, I started buying it directly in bulk from England, paying the shipping to the USA. Totally worth it.

Three years ago the company changed policy and no shipped to the US. UGH! So, I literally tried every alternative out there, from big brands to L'Occitane (which was ok, but doesn't result in nearly as close a shave, even with more strokes). Nothing lubricates as well and then rinses as clean as The Real Shaving Co's Traditional Shave Cream. So, when I just discovered that The Grooming Clinic would ship to me, I stocked up. And the price is very good.

And the Cream is as good as ever! Thanks!

C.R. (Crawley, United Kingdom)
Do you recommend this product?: Yes
Which age group do you fall into?: 69+
REal Shaving Traditional Cream

A soft smooth cream. far better than any foam

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