Returns and Cancellations
How to cancel your order:
If you would like to cancel your order you can make a cancellation request by email, click here to email us. If your order has already been despatched then we sadly can't cancel it, however you can still return it to us providing the items are unused and in saleable condition, and comply with our returns policy below.
When requesting a cancellation, please include the following information:
- Name
- Address
- Order Number
- Reason for Cancellation
How to Return Your Order
I received my items within the last 14 days
If you have received your item within the last 14 days then you can return it to us to exchange it for an alternative or to receive a refund. Goods received within 14 days are covered by the Distance Selling Directive. Please note that due to hygiene regulations, once an item has been opened it is no longer eligible for return. The return postage costs for unwanted items will need to be covered by you. Please note that products which contain razor cartridges are not eligible for return due to hygiene regulations and the prevention of communicable diseases.
I received my items more than 14 days ago
We want you to be completely happy with your purchase, and if you're not we want to put it right. We're happy to accept your product(s) for a refund or replacement provided they are returned to us within 30 days of the purchase date, unused and in saleable condition with all security seals and original packaging intact.
My Goods are Damaged or Faulty
If you have received goods which are damaged or faulty you have 30 days to return them to us for a refund or exchange. The return postage costs will be covered by us.
Dry products (non-cosmetics)
Candles, wash bags, clothing and any other items which we class as 'dry', ie. products which we sell that are not cosmetics, can be returned to us as long as they have not been used or worn. Products that have already been used or worn are not eligible for return.